Simulation is increasingly recognized as an essential training tool for UAV operators. An integrated UAV Autopilot simulator has been part of HORIZONmp since its very first release and is available to the UAV operator at the touch of a button. This UAV simulator is derived from our autopilot code and includes all of the functionality of our autopilots. |
- Balloon launch, runway takeoff and catapult simulator allows you, and your customers, to simulate your environment.
- Supports MP2x28g, MP2128g and MP2128HELI simulators provides maximum simulation accuracy.
- Software-in-the-loop simulator provides a training tool for you and your customers.
- Simulator is integrated into HORIZONmp and is available at the push of a button.
- Automatic selection between integrated Fixed wing, helicopter and blimp simulators enhances ease of use.
- Quasi-hardware-in-the-loop simulator provides an excellent development tool and helps speed your UAV to market.
- trueHWIL provides highest fidelity simulation available in the industry and provides a tool to show the reliability of your UAV to yourself, your customers and regulators.