There’s a big difference between shipping one UAV and shipping one hundred. MicroPilot’s UAV Autopilots and HORIZONmp Ground Control Software have all the capabilities you need when the time comes to commence serial production.
Configurable screen layout lets you position elements where they make the most sense for your application and lets you differentiate yourself within the market.
Option Lockout available for HORIZONmp and all plug-ins prevents your customers from modifying important settings.
Configurable Sensor and Tools Menu lets you display data and provide the functions that are most important to your application.
Optional custom splash screen adds your logo to HORIZONmp.
Configurable Install Disks allow you to easily customize our standard installation CD to include files for your application.
More than just waypoints - associate commands for your application with waypoints via the waypoint editor.
Integration assistance: send us your prototype and we’ll send you a UAV.
Custom Development Services help you meet your customer’s needs.
The best Technical support in the industry solves your problems in a timely fashion.
XTENDERmp SDK allows to develop your own HORIZONmp plug-ins to ensure that all of your customer’s needs are met and to differentiate yourself from your competitors.