MicroPilot - World Leader in Professional UAS Autopilots
World Leader in Professional UAV Autopilots
Critical action checklists are recognized as a key safety tool in the aviation industry. MicroPilot’s HORIZONmp incorporates tools to let you tailor critical action checklists to your requirements.

  • Unlimited user defined checklists allow to define checklists for safety critical actions.
  • Prompt and Warning message for each step allow you to inform the UAV operator of the criticality of the checklist.
  • Invisible steps allow you to build sophisticated checks without burdening the UAV operator.
  • Critical and non-critical steps inform the UAV operator when the mission may not go ahead.
  • Failure count for each step lets you limit the number of UAV operator retries.
  • Configurable action for each step: set value, execute command, sweep field, Flash settings, Modify recovery point and Modify Waypoint.
  • Configurable Completion Condition for each step: user pass/retry/fail, user check, user yes/no, Field Inside Range, Field Outside Range, All in Range, and All Outside of Range
  • Checklist logging lets you monitor the appropriate use of checklists.

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Safety First
Operator Oriented
GCS Aware
Multi-UAV Support
Integrator Friendly
Advanced Simulation
Video Friendly
Video Friendly
Advance Joystick Support
Error Monitor
Sensor Monitor
Launch & Recovery Monitor
Waypoint Import
Waypoint Grid Generator
NMEA Output