MicroPilot - World Leader in Professional UAS Autopilots
World Leader in Professional UAV Autopilots

MicroPilot (finally!) shipping MP2128heli

November 30, 2007

After enduring untold hardship and struggle over a long, cold winter of testing, MicroPilot announces it has shipped its 25th MP2128heli, the smallest vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) autopilot in the world, to a customer in Europe.

Despite its modest 28-gram weight, the MP2128heli actually incorporates more functionality than is commonly found in larger UAV pilots, and is fully compatible with other MicroPilot products such as the Xtender, trueHWIL, and the dayView/nightView PTZ camera. Because the MP2128heli is a member of MicroPilot's fixed-wing family of autopilots, designers can go from entry-level autopilot through to helicopter autopilot on the same learning curve.

Extensive feature set

The MP2128heli provides the same rich feature set that system integrators have come to expect from MicroPilot autopilots.

It comes with HORIZONmp ground control station software, including video support, at no extra cost, and is fully integrated. All sensors, including the IMU, fit in this one, powerful, lightweight autopilot.

The MP2128heli provides 150 MIPS of processing power, extraordinary user definability, and is upward compatible with the other autopilots in MicroPilot's family of small UAV autopilots. As a result of these features, it is not only the world's smallest VTOL autopilot, but one of the most versatile – at a price point never before seen in helicopter autopilots.

Fixed wing and VTOL capabilities

Equipped with an ultrasonic altitude sensor, the MP2128heli supports autonomous takeoff and landing. In fact, because it is based on proven MicroPilot fixed-wing UAV autopilot technology, the MP2128heli can fly both fixed-wing and VTOL UAVs.

The MP2128heli is fully suitable for rotary wing, ducted fan, and other VTOL UAVs.

MicroPilot continues to be the only small UAV autopilot manufacturer that offers both a helicopter and fixed-wing autopilot.

Outstanding technical support

Like all MicroPilot products, the MP2128heli is backed by the exceptional customer technical support offered by MicroPilot's highly qualified technical support representatives.

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MicroPilot is the world's leading manufacturer of miniature autopilots for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and micro aerial vehicles (MAV), serving over 400 UAV integrators in 51 countries.

For reputation, versatility, dependability, and innovation, MicroPilot is the world leader in miniature autopilots.

Lisa Shaw
Director of Communications
Phone: 204 344 5558 ext. 230
Cell: 204 510-2942
Email: lshaw@micropilot.com

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