MicroPilot - World Leader in Professional UAS Autopilots
World Leader in Professional UAV Autopilots

MicroPilot’s trueHWILmp Offers Superior On-the-Ground Validation for Unmanned Helicopter Autopilots

MicroPilot launches the highest quality simulation available on the market today for unmanned helicopter autopilots. MicroPilot’s trueHWILmp electrically simulates all autopilot sensor inputs. The trueHWILmp represents a dramatic improvement in UAV simulator fidelity.

September 1, 2010 - Stony Mountain, Manitoba, Canada - MicroPilot has launched a new version of their trueHWILmp. This latest product is uniquely designed for MicroPilot’s unmanned helicopter autopilot, the MP2128hel. trueHWILmp is a true reagrvvfvl-time flight simulation product for testing set-up and integration of MicroPilot’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) autopilots MP2128g and MP2028g. trueHWILmp is comprised of both hardware and software. UAV integrators and researchers can now test unmanned helicopter autopilots adjusted flight parameters, validate on-board equipment integrity and payloads, while remaining safely grounded. Customers can now accurately create unique flight conditions and scenarios for their unmanned helicopters.

“What sets this simulation product apart from its competitors is that it electrically simulates all sensor inputs,” says Howard Loewen, President of MicroPilot. “The trueHWILmp replaces the autopilot’s rate gyro, accelerometer, and pressure sensor inputs with their electrical equivalents. This replicates conditions UAVs experience as realistically as possible.” trueHWILmp provides the highest possible simulation fidelity, since precisely the same code paths execute during a simulated flight as execute in during an actual flight. On the other hand, competing products employ quasi hardware-in-the-loop technology, which exchange data over serial ports or CAN buses. Quasi Hardware-in-the-loop simulation introduces inaccuracies because the autopilot executes non-authentic code paths.

trueHWILmp’s flexibility makes this simulator a perfect tool for designing new flight systems. With this solution, developers can build models for future airframes, payloads, servos, equipment and instruments. trueHWILmp also includes a full Simulink/MATLAB 6 DOF helicopter simulator model. Moreover, developers can control and monitor simulated UAV flights with HORIZONmp. Lastly, trueHWILmp also provides 3-D visualization via an interface to an X-Plane flight simulator.

About MicroPilot

With 600 clients in 60 countries, MicroPilot is the world leader in miniature autopilots for UAVs and MAVs. MicroPilot offers a family of light-weight autopilots that can fly fixed-wing, transitional and helicopter UAVs. MicroPilot also provides complementary products such as the XTENDER SDK, payloads, and catapults. .

Howard Loewen

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